There is only one story of this world
“There is only one story of this world”
Young Marx
Worship of material: is it a degrading treatment to humankind.
Can any historian give us a guarantee or possible view of the fact that someone creating Jesus Christ’s portrait or sculpture during his lifetime. It was more than 2000 years ago where he never been accepted by any community other than some of his poor and struggling followers because of the fear of the king. Some people also used to believe he knows magic and this is the reason he is powerful. 500 BC there were some sculptures of rulers in some parts of Greece and Rome. Jesus was accepted as most powerful messenger of God after his death. Is it possible to give us guarantee that the face of Jesus Christ we assume, portrait or build that is exact alike of him or it is just an assumption of his monument. Do we carry on with this confusion ? There is no real portrait or monument of any other messengers of God exist in this world to avoid worship of material. There is no portrait of Moses in Egypt. It is an increasing confusion considering the time and context. All historians will agree with the fact that we find portraits of some old and famous people in the library, most of those were created from assumption or description of their face after their death. Leonardo the Vinci done some research to confirm how it was possible to make exact monuments of Greek rulers. Egypt did not have the technology to make exact human sculpture. Can all historian agree with the fact that Palestinian people were that advance with technology of art and science ? Was that technology of art applicable to Jesus Christ during his time ? The portrait of Jesus Christ was made from description of him found in words or oral history. This is something more possible to believe. If we search the history we might find an evolution of his photograph and might increase the confusion. Unlike all other messengers of God there is no real portrait of Jesus Christ exist in this world, and this is how God wish to conclude the supremacy of human kind and their authority over physical world of materials. Human can not worship a material that they can create with their own hands.
This is extremely unfair to always view Jesus Christ on a crucified image where it is also a confusion in religious history that actual Jesus Christ never been captured by the king. History also evident the fact that the king was looking for him for a long after knowing about his supremacy. King had to ask lot of people to identify him that can also increase our confusion that who will identify him for real . Isn’t it more possible to believe his face was more familiar to his followers. It was not impossible for people to identify someone looking alike to him if God had wish to do that. Actual fact was everyone used to know about him but very limited number of people saw him during his time. He went to heaven leaving the physical history of crucifixon as a symbol to his followers to understand his sacrifice for human kind. As a believer of God this is just impossible for me to believe some one like Jesus Christ was killed by a filthy king in front of his people. The possible way to conclude it is ” as the most powerful messenger of God he had enough power to avoid the king or punish the king in front of all people, he accepted the order of God , God took him or his soul to heaven straight away with a possible replacement to create the history that God intended to do. ” This is metaphorical as like as the birth of him in this planet. The human history starts with Adam and Eve came to another historic moment with the birth of Jesus Christ almost in a similar way.
It was unfortunate that saints lost some parts of bible when they were fleeing from the city. It was re written from the memories of saints and followers of Jesus Christ. But it is not totally lost. We just need to be careful about comparing with other holy books to confirm if we are breaching any fundamental issues.
Possible problems saints were facing:
— they could not maintain exact structure of some verses of God
–they could not agree with some verses of God
–they could not come up with exact wording of gods message
–they were trying to make bible more acceptable and believable to people other than keeping the originality.
–it was really hard for them to agree with originality of some verses.
–they were under influence of the ruling society where they had to keep their mind in some verses.
Example: none of the saints or Jesus Christ ever drank wine or alcohol in their entire life though it was part of culture of common people. There is no way God send message to the prophet under influence of chemicals. All saints and Jesus were doing a very sensitive job of carrying gods message where fear of the king and non believers were countable factors.
I will request all believers of God if you like to drink alcohol do it with your own liability, don’t put the liability on Jesus Christ. Because alcohol is a creation of devil during the time of Noah. The place Jesus Christ born was built by Noah with the woods of his boat. That prayer place built by Noah is most historic place in this world. Because Moses were ordered by God to save his holy book in that same Prayer place built by Noah. After his victory against Egyptians Moses freed all slaves and established Kingdom in most part of Arab in 12 separate states. He left the realm with the holy book ( 1st law book ) to save it at that safe location built by Noah.
Merry was only female who was allowed to enter that prayer place because she was the caretaker. Everyone knew she was blessed by God and entitled to take care of this holy place. Everyone at that prayer place knew she will be giving birth of next prophet called Jesus Christ. The message of God carried forwarded from previous messengers that the son won’t have a father. He will become saviour of half of the world in future.
The possible location of this prayer place was Syria (Damascus or far more to North ) where Noah anchored his boat through the sea now called read sea. That prayer place was relocated by Israeli people after death of Jesus Christ. Israeli people started claiming Jesus is their prophet after his death. The original name of this prayer place was Baitul Mokkaddas. It was a safe haven for Noah, Moses and Jesus. Jesus left the place to carry on his duty of being messenger of God. He actually never told anyone in Israel where he was born just to save that historical and holy place. Jesus is known as Jesus of nazarah because of that reason. Some non believers of Syria spreader the news that Jesus does not have a father, and he is claiming he is a messenger of God or he is God.
People used to believe in the western part of Arab that king is God. The conflict started from there. The king started searching for him to save his kingdom and godship. People started making up stories he is son of God what actually kept spreading even after his death. Saints had mere control over the situation where they had to think about their safety as well. Jesus main duty was to make people believe neither king nor any human can be God. The most hardest part for him to make people believe in something that does not exist in this world. But the saints knew that the next messenger will abolish this misunderstanding from the history. Prophet Mohammad started his works from their. He brought a new religion for the other part of Arab where everyone was welcome to accept him as their prophet as like as Jesus Christ. If we look at the present world we will see both religions have similar value to people.
My assumption is because of the death of prophet jesus, next religion of Mohammad was more strict and vast in manner.
All this messengers are interrelated to carry on the messages of God through their followers. Abraham used to use a stick for his lambs. That stick was carried forward to Moses. Moses used to use it as his magic stick. After death of Moses his followers divided into groups and they started fighting for the copy of his holy book torah. The situation was almost similar like what happened to original copy of bible. Some part of it was broken, some part of it was lost in that fight. Basically Egypt was part of Arab where basically Both Eastern and western Arab people created the colony and Kingdom. Southern part of Africa was populated by black aborigines people. Pharaohs migrated from Persia and took undertaker job in a grave. Somehow he pleased the king and enter the palace. At the end he married daughter of the king and capture the kingdom. pharaohs took slaves both from Arab and Southern African to build the pyramid. The mix of two races most probably happened during the time of pharaohs. Everyone knows how the new born Moses enter the palace through blue Nile river and become adopted son of pharaohs. The royal wizard of pharaohs predicted a date when Moses will borne, and Moses will be the person who will kill pharaohs. All newborns were killed on that date. The sister of Moses barely saved him putting him in a box and floating through the lake. She knew that he will be only saved if she can float the box near to the palace where women of the palace gather for shower. Moses brought up as adopted son of pharaohs, his first marriage was one of the daughter of pharaohs, he was convicted of murdering a solder to help a slave during construction. pharaohs punished him making him ban from the city other than giving him death sentence. He actually become a prophet after leaving Egypt. He came back after couple of years to take the life of
pharaohs to fulfil the order of God. He freed all slaves and settled them back in western Arab in 12 different states of Kingdom including Egypt. Moses had the first law book or holy book from God that was written on 13 pieces of rocks. Moses ‘s main duty was to control all this poor and angry people using the rules of Kingdom sent by God. Basically there were 12 western Arab clans ( 12 brothers) helped Moses with their solders to punish pharaohs and free all slaves. As a return they got the Kingdom of Egypt and western Arab States.
Population started extending to Northern part of Arab and Europe during the time of Abraham. Greece , Rome was extension of Arab colony of Caucasus people through boats. The upper part of Europe was full of wolf and some isolated human who used to eat flesh of human like wolf. Northern part of Europe was cold and where no people planed to live their. In Europe extension of population started from the bottom.
The historical truth is Arab was centre of population because Noah anchored his boat in Arab. He lived for 1500 years. Mongoloid and negroid this two clans created from his descendents. During the time of Abraham world population extended wide and faster in Europe. As I have mentioned earlier his duty was to travel all parts of world decorate with gardens, prayer place, home for people and so on. Civilisation established first around rivers and fertile lands like Mesopotamia, India , Mongolia , Egypt. Up until the time of Moses there were isolated and less civilised people lived in India, Mongolia with extension to China ( yellow skin people), southern part of Africa ( black skin people) , southern part of Europe who are known as aborigines or ancient people in the history of science. It was actually a reverse situation where human became less civilised when they got isolated from mainstream population.
Noah- approximate 13000 BC
Abraham-Mesopotamia- 5500 BC
If we put a date after Egyptian civilisation ( app 4000 BC)
Approximate 1400 BC first city built in China ( Mongoloid)
Approximate 1200 BC first city built in Mexico
Approximate 2000 BC Greek&Rome civilisation started flourishing from band tribe culture to Kingdom . ( caucuses population) Mongoloid people went to Europe through present Russia when population started extending to Northern part of Europe. It took time to find the way of living in cold weather for human.
Approximate 4000 BC first city built in India ( India was a place where all 3 kinds of human clans started living. This is the reason it is very hard to determine the race of some human clans in India.
Before and after this time in this places there were always some less civilised people what we called aborigines. It does not make sense from the perspective of religious history.
All 3 prophets are descendent of Abraham. Abraham had 2 wives one in eastern Arab and one in western Arab. Moses and Jesus was descendent of his first wife’s son. Mohammad was descendent of his second wife’s son. This is the reason Abraham is one of the powerful messenger of God. His main duty was to decorate this world with gardens and architectures. The idea of feudalism came from Noah was developed with new technologies of cultivation in Mesopotamia. During the time of Abraham Mesopotamia was the cultural centre of world. During the time of Moses Egypt was cultural centre of world. Abraham actually killed the king of Mesopotamia who was claiming he is God. Moses killed
pharaohs for the same reason.
The birth of Abraham was exactly same like the birth of Moses. The royal wizard of Mesopotamian king predicted a date when Abraham will born , and also predicated that this child will kill him one day. All new born were killed in the city that day. Abraham born in the house of one of the solder. That house was checked at the end of the search. God ordered the mother of Abraham to through the child inside the fire hole where you cook. No one will find him. Abraham was born with this power that fire can not burn him.
Adam and Eve came to a world that was undivided one land surrounded by sea. This is the reason they were able to met together at the middle of earth though they were sent to two different end of the land. The world land surface we look at now was created by angels of God after the great flood. Great flood actually sunken the whole land surface of the world for 30 days as described in bible and Quran. Angels of God made 6 big holes in the earth to create seas and also all highlands and hills we see on earth. Some water was frozen to ice to lower down the water level of the flood. If you push and adjoin the present world map you will find the evidence that it was one piece of land before.
Reproduction of human started with the instruction of God. Eve used to give birth of 2 children at a time where 1 is male one is female. The rule was the first son will marry the second daughter , and the first daughter will marry the second son. Reproduction of human started this way. Adam and Eve came to world after learning everything about this world from heaven. The only thing they claimed from God from heaven was their prayer place to place it to this world though they were evicted from heaven. That prayer place become Macca the house of God over the period of time. During the time of great flood it was taken back to heaven for 30 days. All messengers had a duty to visit the house of God and do some renovation works during their life time. Because that is the only thing exist in this world directly came from heaven. It does not actually mean that the prayer place was made of something extra ordinary. As we know Adam and Eve was evicted from heaven for eating a fruit from a forbidden tree. Nothing was extra ordinary about that. To reduce the confusion no one actually worship that house of God, that just give everyone direction where house of God located. I don’t actually think any Muslim assume God is in that house when they pray because they know God does not exist in this world. There is no human photograph or portrait of prophet in Macca, only some evidence of his life style and some historical moment available there. You won’t even find any chair or table in Muslim prayer place , all prayer places are empty everywhere to give us the expression that God is everywhere. He can listen to us wherever we are.
God only given a demonstration of existence once in this world with request of Moses. The verses of God explained to him human eyes are so sensitive to accommodate the light of God. So God reflected a small Ray of his light on a mountain and that mountain burnt to an extraordinary type of carbon. People started using that carbon as eye shade as a fashion.
No messenger had any conflict of philosophy or any competitive manner as they were carrying similar kind of inter related message from God or doing the same duty imposed by God. All messages were sent through one angel of God.
I understand Mohammad addressed some arrogant kings around western Arab and Europe as enemy of Muslim population in Arab during his time. It does not make all Christian population of the world as their enemies. This is just a misrepresentation of his words. There were always some enemies for both side of Kingdom. There were always free trade relation in between Arab , Europe , India , China where Arab just became the transit of all trade until human learnt to build big ships and started continental navigation. War for land, mine and Kingdom was something happening from the beginning of human civilisation. It is just a common human nature to be famous , powerful and rich. Where the civil/common people were involved with it in a different way. King had to have enough money and resource to build his solders to protect their Kingdom. Democracy, power of people, justice system started flourishing inside the Kingdom with the grace of gods message and implementation by the king and civil society. It was another area of conflict what we call bad influence of Kingdom. Some war happened in the history from this conflict after the time of prophets. If we try to find the roots of common law, trade relations, political relation all came from amalgamation of gods instructions and implications of the messengers were just fair and reasonable for time and context.
“This is just us who make difference between messengers of God ”
” holy books and religion only give human good and bad sense to build their pattern of knowledge”
” we need to believe that still God instructing us with control, still God gives us reward or punishment, still God give us mercy and justice no matter what we do. “
Some fundamental issues about believing in God:
1. Praying to prophet as a saver and worshiping the monument of prophet is completely different idea. Because humans are not allowed to worship another human. It is forbidden.
Humans are only allowed to worship God who physically not exist in this world. Nothing can be compared with God.
2. Be careful two things were invented in this world with own hands of devil. Sculpture worship before the time of Noah , alcohols after great flood during time of Noah ( approximate time 12-13 thousand BC). People worship sculptures of Jesus without his consent.
3. In all holy books you will find homosexuality is forbidden because it is against nature. It is a physical and mental illness with cure. Some organisations avoid the cure because they are desperate about birth control. God buried alive a whole civilisation underground during the time of Noah to establish it is forbidden. This is the most severe punishment ever given by God in human history.
4. Creation of world: one of the most recognised religious theory describe the creation of world following way. God created water on the space for the first time to create the world . Then he blow the wind around the water. Water start spinning and create waves melting the wind. The waves create foam on the water. The foam create soil in the water. The soil create the land surface of the world. Then the soil start growing greens. The first creation of god was gene who were made of fire . The gene civilisation lived in this world for thousands of years. They had the power to take any physical forms . The most blessed gene became angel of god at the end of gene civilisation. That angel became devil after creation of Adam( first human). Lucifer ( gene angel) was so proud of his existence. He was jealous about the fact Adam was created from gods light and character . He was the only angel on gods assembly who did not agree with the supremacy of gods new creation. God given lucifer a supreme power and authority in this world to mislead humans for the rest of his life . It is also said that during the time of Abraham he quarantined 4 most evil gene in 4 boxes and buried somewhere underneath the Black Sea. Scientists are still looking for those quarantine boxes. It is also said that if human can release those quarantine boxes by any chance, the end of world will happen sooner.
Dirty jokes: Some archeologist and anthropologists dug big holes on earth and found legs of reptile, head of mammals and pussy of human kinds . They name it dynosource .
(Except the above religious history , there is no other possible explanation for history of human civilisation other than accepting the idea of Darwin. Theory of evolution has some controversial extensions. Some followers of Darwin believe three different clans of human actually flourished in three different areas of the world in different time. They actually identify 3 different kinds of apes as ancestors of human. Black-yellow-White. They assume it took million years for this evolution. There is no physical or scientific evidence to proof an animal is transforming to another kind. If we study about his personal life we will find why he summarised his research finding to a non believers way. He was actually a strong believer of God and Christianity. His daughter passed away suffering from a disease when he was doing the research. He actually could not forgive the God for this occurrence and took this historical step to make people think what if there is no creator, everything is a result of evolution. )
In 1400 century when Europe started exploring the world they created a new history of human civilisation with the help of science. From 1600 century they started analysing their research finding. 1800 century Darwin made this history more acceptable to people.