Is study of humans as a branch of social science. The discipline is comparatively young in age though the term used in Greek philosophy, which is dated first recognized project of knowledge in human history (500 BC). I would say the discipline entered the academic environment just after the era of revolution and enlightenment in Europe. I prefer to name that era as modernity. By the end of 1600, physical science established a strong foundation in human history to take off to the new era at the beginning of 1800, which I prefer to name post-modernity. Anthropology had to borrow some ideas from historians and well-established philosophy to introduce the new discipline to civil society. But, the actual meaning of the discipline apparently accumulates all dominant theories starting from 1800 under one collective goal. I believe modernity is old-fashioned and post-modernity given birth of anthropology as a new discipline of holistic social sciences.

Fundamental terms:

  1. Belief System.
  2. Historical determination / geographical determination/ fusion.
  3. Patterns of knowledge/ dominant cultures.
  4. Individuals decree.
  5. Conservative morality.
  6. Positive change.
  7. Absolute truth
  8. Market capitalization of government business/asset or heritage property.

Foundation of Belief system:

Holy books

  1. Tora - Moses - 1st law book for kingdom.
  2. Bible - Jesus Christ - 2nd law book- amendment of Kingdom.
  3. Zabur- David - A book of prayer- humans and the whole animal kingdom used to bend their heads with David to prayer of God when he used to sing verses of God from Zabur.
  4. Quran- Mohammad - 3rd law book (a symbol of peace and democracy).


Carbon test timeline: (BIBLICAL ERA)

  1. Adam lived= 1000 years.
  2. Noah lived = 1500 years. = 13,000 BC approximate.
  3. Abraham = 5500 BC in--Mesopotamia.
  4. Moses = 4000 BC in Egypt.
  5. David= 3000 BC. Approximate.
  6. Jesus Christ - 2015 from present.
  7. Mohammad - 570 AD.

@Total = 13,000 years after great flood

= new civilization = feudalism + Kingdom

Timeline 1400 AD +

  1. Era of invention = 1400+
  2. Colonization = 1500 +
  3. Industrialization = 1600+
  4. Revolutions%modernity = enlightenments 1700+
  5. Invention + colonization = post modernization 1800+
  6. Industrialization + revolutions %fascism + world wars = (colonization - independence) 1900+ = Marxism%capitalism = new era of deconstruction
  7. Globalization = (invention + market capitalization + democratization) %(colonization - independence) 1950 +

Socialization of wishes = common wishes of the society as an integrated whole = constitutional monarchy = legal system + exchange system + redistribution system = government = welfare organization

[Amalgamation: Rousseau 1712 franc - idea of common wishes]


" CULTURE IS LIKE TAKING SHIT, everyone does that, but not in a similar way."



  1. Physical world of material.
  2. Active world of function.
  3. Abstract world of change and developments.
  4. Imaginative world of future & target to get developed as well as make active by the physical setup to activate abstract dream & realities with or without existence .

“humans are not materials, but some functions of humans are material". YoungMarx


When we study a culture or society using a process of research and analysis, we can demonstrate some underlying physical or abstract structures to establish an idea or philosophy. Functionalism was also a theoretical trend in social science to intensify a diagram of society, culture or a fact Lynn in it (ex: division of labour). In a complex social or cultural environment two of these above theories become an underlying foundation of thoughts, reality, fact or social fact. Social fact is an idea came from French philosophy (Emile Durkheim 1858 French) to determine the truth in a particular social or cultural context. Symbolism took all theoretical trends to an advanced level of philosophy, where identifying some social, cultural symbols made the project of knowledge easier for science. A symbol could be anything.  A function, a structure, a belief,  a fact or a reality. A symbol could be an individual personality in a society or culture. "Cultural personality School" is a theory came from Margaret Mead (1901-1978 US) who done research among samoan society and introduce this idea how samoan people flourish them as cultural personality following their elders as their idol. In a manner of scientific research “positivism”, which idea came from August Comet (1798 French) was the main driving force in all other theories in 1800+ and onward. The considerable argument is “the philosophy or knowledge we are trying to establish, is it lying in structure, function or representation of all symbols. [Amalgamation Harbert Spencer 1820 UK, Geertz 1926 US, Turner 1920 UK]

Idea of power in social SCIENCE:

  1. Knowledge
  2. Class
  3. Dynasty

Power is an idea came from amalgamation of functionalism to demonstrate the progress and development of society and culture. It is also true that every power has an emerging structure to build its establishment. [Amalgamation: Michel Foucault 1920 French]

The idea of theoretical argument in social SCIENCE:

A theory, philosophy or knowledge always has a standpoint, where the inventor or demonstrator stands. A social scientist will only accept the standpoint of the illustrator to enter his own standpoint for the argument. In simple words, every speech has a political bias. Even neutrality might get biased by a new political idea or thought. [Amalgamation: Jackie Elie Derrida 1930 French]

What is REALITY?

Reality is a logical dominant consequence or context to establish a volatile or absolute truth. Young Marx


Morality is a controversy of time and context to determine the standard. [Unnecessary standard /=morality]. Young Marx

What is language?

Language is an identification system to classify your memories. When you will actually go to the fact, you won't find any language there. .....The identifier you use to create your memories, that is your language. [Amalgamation: Ferdinand de Sassure - Switzerland -1857, and Franz boas 1858 US]

What is feminism?

K Marx said: women were historically failures because they did not have control over the profit of production. Mainly, to bring up children, they became housewives. In society, the only way to create domination is by taking control over the profit.


  1. Male domination
  2. Social/economic class
  3. Racism

Like other 2 social inequalities male domination was disappeared when globalization happened after 2nd world war. Women started realizing their control over society. Racism and class this 2 other social inequalities .............recognition of skills ----classified way .....capitalism .... Power of people ......... Democracy ........Present world ....

In the era of deconstruction Max Weber ( 1864 German) ( capitalist anthropologist ) was challenged Marxism to prove, class is rather a social/economic structure of a society or culture other than a social inequality if we even believe 2 main theories of MARXISM ( 1818 German )

  1. historical materialism and
  2. structure (material) + superstructure (abstract) = society where superstructure is dependent = materialism.

- All human organizations are in the superstructure.

  • Weber named the structure +superstructure as “social stratifications" to decline the idea of inequality in economic class.
  • Neo MARXISM described Marx as a non materialistic philosopher.
  • Hegel (1770 German) : knowledge = thesis + antithesis = synthesis.

Marx was biased by the idea of conflict came from Hegel. Neo Marxism prefers to believe the idea of conflict is lying on the superstructure.

  • "25% Australians should study at universities for free. Dependency structure of floating knowledge and overseas skills can make a  generation disable in long run. Because cultivation of new knowledge demands proper  academic qualifications." Young Marx
  • “Love is the best driving force to create long-lasting memories. Educated parents can facilitate the idea of educated generation." Young Marx

Cultural relativism:

The idea came from Franz boas (1858 US) who prefers to believe, the whole world population is living in a "homogeneous society", where all humans are involved with similar kind of functions at different levels of development. It is theoretically impossible to compare 2 different societies to measure who is less developed, without using some measures biased by some predominant ideas.

As an example if we look at an ancient band tribe society we will find:

  1. They had less pollution in the "production structure" results in better health system where they were geographically adopted.
  2. They had simple "redistribution system" for hunted food, simple "justice system" from tribe leader, with a very limited threat of offence from third parties [other tribes].
  3. A very simple "Exchange system" was introduced to minimize conflict with third parties.
  4. level of inequality was unidentifiable in most cases because of a simple structure of "division of labour", "kinship or nuclear family".
  • "do not try to compare human beings, because it will be a waste of time." -Young Marx

Impact of invention:

The idea came from Lewis Henry Morgan (1818 US) who was a structural anthropologist. Unlike Darwin, he created a “structure of development” of human beings based on invention of new technologies in a timeline in different era of human civilization. Social science was dependent on his hypothesis up until the time of Darwin (1808 UK) and MARXISM, where both of them were biased by his theory of invention.

Participant OBSERVATION:

Most recognized research methodology in social science for qualitative research introduced by Malinowski (UK 1884). The idea is to minimize the dependency on historical data and archives to generate qualitative and bias-free data for research and analysis. It was also creating a distinctive line between historians and anthropologists.

Problem of CAPITALISM:

(Capital+capital= surplus)

The only problem of capitalism is, it allows generating profit only with capital; as a result, there will be an obvious need for revaluation of resources in a certain interval. We call it recession.

Problem of MARXISM:

(Capital + labour= surplus)

The only problem of Marxism was he did not think about what will happen if population increases, there will be an obvious need of large scale production, if large scale of capital cannot be managed from overall population it will be impossible to compensate bound less demand of the society. When the wall of Berlin was demolished, the hypothesis was established that the process of development may become slower for other reasons, like recognition of skills.


Production is not a matter of prediction or forecast. As we already know the capacity of labour power, change in capital investment or growth in emerging industries from previous experience. It is not hard to determine the need of import and export. Demand usually fluctuates from its current state, when we lose control over the supply, which usually aligns with the idea of market risk or scarcity of resources. Profitability of an industry does not necessarily encourages us to push the growth, ignoring the actual demand or determining a reasonable state. Which we call greed in capital economy, other meaning is growth. Development also a similar kind of approach, which usually encourages us to determine a reasonable state to balance all factors to a possible equilibrium.

Market capitalisation vs PRIVATISATION:

Privatization is a solution for underdeveloped or corrupted countries. A decade of profit in advance can boost the economy for a while. But government loses control over profit and asset in long run. Best solution to accumulate more capital toward development is market capitalizing most profitable and stable industries by the government. People will vote for development projects by buying shares of new development or extensions. As usual share of profit will go to the people as dividend. All big companies in capital economy considered as parallel government, which we accumulate in ideas of corporate governance, corporate social responsibility (CSR) or philanthropy . So, balance of power is a considerable fact to sustain a possible control over the economy by the government.


Money goes up:

-Is it a sign of a recession or fight to stop it?

-Is interest rate cutting the growth of capital any way?

-decrease in asset value of company for a certain period can create new buyers or demands an adjustment entry to cover the loss by the end of the year.

-price will always go up in certain interval, if any alternative invention is not taking the place.

- What changes are affecting our life or our spending habits, when consumers get to buy the end products?

Income and INFLATION:

To understand the impact of increase in income and increase in price of products (inflation), we need to classify the idea of consumption following ways:

Production = goods for basic needs of human + goods for consuming products = resources - end products for sell.

Semi-consuming products= steps toward developments.

Full EMPLOYMENT: Pricing system

Production = GDP = resource + direct labour + indirect labour + services = pricing system (global: local).

Price of total household expenditure + price of total business expenditure + price of (export - import) = National income.

Pricing system of end products = full employment.

Development from bellow: 

It is a controversy in social science that development of society is only possible through a strong establishment of administrative structure, like a proposed “commune" by K. Marx. If we consider 3 layers of a society / economy, an expected harmony at the top layer can only sustain the development or progress. The idea was challenged in recent decades that development needs to be started from bottom layer of society / economy, who seems to be deprived. Introduction of micro credit is one of the examples to understand the initiatives of NGO networks from 1980, which we call development alternatives.

Private PROPERTY: personal OWNERSHIP:

Is an established concept in capital economy. K. Marx proposed “commune " should be owner of all properties in a state to abolish the idea of class as a notion of inequality in a society. The idea flourished during the time of transition from feudalism (Kingdom) to independent states. In capital economy a sovereign state is owner of land. Individual citizens of a state can acquire ownership of property due to contributions of individuals to the division of labour.


K. Marx's theory of "historical conflict" came from this idea. When labours do not get paid adequate compensation for their valuable contributions to the economy, it calls alienation. He described it as reason for historical conflict that can result in a revolution against ruling class. “Labours are like potatoes, if you do not accumulate them in a bag, they will lead astray to aimless destinations of an economy.  "

Investment and capital : Islamic law:

First, we have to separate the meaning of "interest" from meaning of "share of profit". Islam allows “silent investment” of capital in a business only, which will make profit or loss. Otherwise it is not an investment  help allowed in Islam. Silent investor must take both "share of profit" and "share of loss" to proof it is an investment under islamic law. Now, “per capital profit” from a business will give return on investment no matter how much capital who is investing. Islam doesn’t allow the idea “higher the risk higher the return” in capital market to set the rate of return upfront in any investment. In this case return on investment (ROI) is always variable cannot be set upfront.

It is as usual, profit will be calculated after deducting all expenses including tax. Here the case is, if a business always tries to secure the return of silent investor, no matter what happens in the business, that will create unjustifiable pressure to the business, consumer or price of products. People will keep getting rich silently standing on shoulders of working class.

Islam confirms that the silent investor will not take liability of loss from an investment only if the working partner had "negligence or recklessness" in the investment or business.

As an example, loans are allowed in Islam only when it is an investment in a business to get return or profit. Say about home loan in Islam. Every property has a “growth rate” in the market. So if lender putting 90% silent investment in a home, lender will have to cover all their expenses with the 90% of growth rate of the property that they are charging to the person who is taking the home loan. Repayments of a home loan cannot exceed the growth rate of a property to put the home buyer in loss upfront. If the growth rate falls, lender will also make loss. But it is normal that growth rate of all properties will increase if there is no interest rate as the demand will increase to buy properties. "Car loans, equipment loans for business" or "car loans, equipment loans for working purposes" are allowed in a similar way. Loans are not allowed in Islam if there is no business or income.

First rule is, identify the "profitability of business" where investment is occurring. If we set the "price of products and services" from reverse way of calculation ensuring "higher the risk higher the return for capital" that will result in "infinite discriminations" in society.

In any corporation all shares will have same value or same return from profit. Islam doesn’t allow priority to rich who can invest more capital. In reality, corporations are setting interest on preferential shares, bonds upfront, sometimes they are taking another loan to pay that interest. Because, in reality it is always not possible to keep increasing price of a product.

It is true that Islam cursed the people who take interest from loan saying they are having insist relation with their mothers. Yes, if people take services from a bank opening a bank account, they should pay for those services. Loan account may have account-keeping fees, application fees. If bank making an individual a silent investor using their savings by consent, bank will have to make sure that they cover all expenses from their share of profit only. Any investor charging a business a single dollar exceeding the profit of the business is having sexual intercourse with their mothers, no matter Islamic bank or non Islamic bank. No mater how they structure the loan as a lease or something else. The issue is not the "structure of loan", issue is "profitability of a business or investment". It is common sense that people own property by way of buying and selling it. People don't give away property because you paid rent for some 30 years or so. 

The rule is simple “if no profit from a capital, there is no share of profit, if there is a loss, capital will keep decreasing”. As usual, consumer will have to set price to ensure "power of people" in the market economy. Govt means the people can ban "foreign investment" in any sector of the economy.

It will become obvious that the local investment will concentrate on the most profitable businesses or investments. Multinational investment will shrink in various sectors. When investor is silent, they have no power to set price or profit. It is guaranteed that there will be no negative effects in "economic growth", because investors never going to seat back and relax with their "lazy monies".

If we believe in Islam, it does not restrict women to work outside their homes, if there was no options open. But, the "consumer market" must bring down the price of products related to "basic needs" that, if only the husband is working doing a full-time job that can adequately carry on a family with wife and kids. In other words, reduce the gap between income and expenses for living. In practical, salary of wife will be built in with the salary of husband to do other jobs in the house. Job market will shrink in some cases but it will become very easily maintainable with huge number of jobs always in the market. Islam doesn’t reject that there might be a class in society according to individual skills and income. But it will be very rare to have poor people in society or a huge gap of wealth in between individual people. Islam made it mandatory for the rich in various ways to reduce the gap with poor people in society.

Few things need to be clear. Govt does not have any obligation to increase it's revenue from tax other than their own businesses and investments. Govt will shrink their developments if not enough tax. It is usual that businesses cannot expand every year if they don’t have enough surplus. But, as the govt is a welfare organisation, it will have to ensure welfare first. Islam made it illegal to give licenses to criminals like alcohol sellers, prostitution business, gambling business with an intention to employ all men and women in society. The reality is, "women’s jobs in society" is guaranteed and over priced by nature, when they get married. Society is forcing them to various immoral positions leaving their privileges by nature. Marriage is compulsory in Islam to ensure women are legally getting those rights in society. No one has legal rights to force women to bring up someone else’s kid or cook for someone else other than their own families. In a rich family, women do not work at all other than educating their children.

In Islam, education is compulsory for men and women. It is very difficult to draw a fine line between two kinds of knowledges. Here, "knowledge about our life in this world" and "knowledge about our life after death". Life may become worthless in absence of either of them. Islam affirms that "vail of women" is the first step of their dignity, when they don’t display their beauty for entertainment of public. If prime minister of UK thinks, Muslim women deprive their citizens of free entertainment by wearing letterboxes on top of their heads, it will be obvious that millions of letters coming from GOD via angels to drop in those letterboxes every day.

Finally, if you take Iran as a model for Islam you'll get another law in Islam. If you wanna display a movie in Iran you have to be educated in Islam top to bottom if you want to get it approved by their censorship. What Islam asks is you must show the people that everyone in society is good, and abide by the law of GOD. In this way, the new generation does not learn or get an example of doing bad things in their lives. Anyone influencing anyone to do bad things will face consequences in GOD-made law.



Materialism VS Non materialism (intellect / conscious?)

100 BC first question in philosophy was - is it possible to acquire absolute knowledge?

= Scepticism / Confusionalism

Philosophy based on experientialism (materialism) claims = human acquires knowledge from physical experience.

• Experience = knowledge.

Philosophy based on abstractionism (non materialistic) claims = human acquires knowledge using their intellect.

• Intellect = knowledge

Other dominant ideas in project of knowledge were: empiricism, rationalism who was basically juggling with human experience and human intellect or rationality.

Immanuel Kant (1724 German) in modern philosophy came to a conclusion, “our experiences are structured by necessary features of our minds.”

Either way if we look for reason behind knowledge or not -

• Experience + intellect = knowledge

  • " It is just about common sense to understand all living creatures come to this world with some basic physical and mental needs. Some knowledge comes from physical experience some comes from intellect. Humans do not need to use any intellect in some instances of acquiring knowledge. But there is no argument about the fact that present world is far more dominated by human intellects.”

Complete physical EXPERIENCE:

Think about a situation in ancient civilization, if we believe in bible or not. Some burning liquids with fire coming out from volcano and some ancient people watching that with fear. The Next day they discovered some liquids stuck in the mud. When they pulled that out, they found very sharp and hard objects ready to use for hunting. It wasn't exactly like throwing a stone to hunt an animal from the consciousness of hunger and fear. It was a complete physical experience with less confusion. Most active human physical experiences are driven by individual characteristics of resistance, power or consciousness. Young Marx.

  • "The idea materialism is a fallacy in philosophy, which can only create bad arguments or self-denial." - Young Marx.
  • “knowledge is an unending project, somewhat only out loud existence of human beings in this planet.” Young Marx.

Civil sense of HUMOUR:

According to holy books, when Adam and Eve came to this world evicted from heaven, they did not have any clothing to wear. The first thing they did were took some leaves from the tree to wear those as clothing. All humans born in this world, come with some sense of humours, those usually flourish due the course of time. Society is simply a medium to develop all those senses and individual characteristics in a way of active physical and mental interactions, that we cannot find in the animal kingdom. Young Marx.