Jihadism: A meaning establishing in a reverse way
The idea basically came from prophet Mohammad. The main reason for jehad was to proof
• ” it is forbidden to force people to change their religion or spread the idea by force. “
During his life time, he only turned people into Muslims if they beg for it wholeheartedly. History gives us proof, he fought against bad influence of Kingdom and people remained as they were after his victory against kings, starting from Arab to Spain. It is not new in the history. He had enough power and authority at that time to force people after victory.
• No one can give a practical evidence that the reason of jihad was to spread Islam or force people to be Muslim.
• ” Some self centric jihadists take the meaning of jehad in a reverse way”. There are million verses on Quran to demonstrate good Muslim, they will pick the most complicated and controversial one.
• He was borne with this privilege to declare jehad to set the example. We should agree with the absolute truth that all verses of Quran were fair and reasonable for specific time and context only. As described on the holy book Quran.
• Every single step of him was instructed by God with messages to make us understand the sensitivity of this kind of duty. He basically accepted a very limited number of people to join with him, who came to join wholeheartedly. The jehad he declared was finished by Khalifa’s long time ago approximate 700 AD.
• No one has this privilege or authority to declare jihad if he is not claiming that he is a new prophet with new messages from God.
• At present world we see some religious psychopaths call them-self jihadist like god sending new prophet Mohammad every day.
• If we carefully read the last word of prophet for all human of the world, we will find he advised his followers to believe in democracy. He was a symbol of peace and democracy according to historical evidence. In his last words he also advised that the messages of gods should be served to everyone. There was no instruction to do it by force.
• Some people are so deceived from mainstream Islam and they making up wrong meaning of jihadism to fulfil their political hunger, what they do is worse than fascism or autocracy.
• There is no possible demand , necessity or practical implication of jihad in 21st century.
I have 3 selected words for those deceived people of the history
Imperialism flourished after 700 AD. It appears, a form of kingdom was settled in some newly independent states by way of compromising with people. One of the reasons worked behind acceptance of the kings was their dedications to the religion.
Ex: In India Muslim emperors entered with huge amount of wealth to settle “internal colonies” or their own home to develop. Europe was never in position to cross Anatolia up to the end of ottoman emperor (1300AD) to see those wealth then decided to find a way via seas. Europe reached India going beneath Africa (1400+) after a false discovery of America then took away all those wealth from India then started an external colony to develop Europe. Europe started collecting tax to feed their emperor, solder and infinite discrimination against Indian population. Europe took away all precious discovery from India as like as Latin America and Africa what we call external colony. In the history india never been that rich and famous what they were during the time of Muslim emperor. All voyages of Europe came from hunker after reaching india.
Now, this is true that first steam engine pushed the train line in India when British colony was there. That was built to carry “Indian soil” to Europe for its uniqueness. The reality was plutonium mines are like fertile soils which were carried in best and possible silent way in the ships.
Fascist German become grace of god for India during Second World War. European colony had to withdraw all their solders from India during 2nd world war and Mahatta Gundhi become famous with his non violent movement which European had to accept due to their circumstances.
Long way to go from 1400AD where Europe was standing. Europe started gathering all the inventions from all over the world and successful inventors were migrating to America for more freedom. America never been developed than Russia in the history of technology mostly and Russia is apparently part of Asia. Marxism started holding back capitalists and their technologies so more successful inventors started migrating to America from East German, Russia, China and other. 1990+ Russia end up as Moscow only as part of Europe. The power and control of European emperor gradually concentrated in America who only had one competitor, that is Russia. Now, America stepped into a culture or American dream whatsoever we call it, only the wealth of whole world can keep fuelling this over generations without fall.
After millions of complaints from civil societies all over the world, industrialisation made its way with capitalist technologies, capitalist politics and their common greediness character to lift the civilisation to unknown destination.
Renaissance in Iran (875AD) which gave birth of poetry, culture, art and the world famous wine Shiraz was rejected by civil society in Islam but Europe never had a religious backlash to grab it.
Young Marx