The idea of Refugee & Asylum: present world perspective
The idea of Refugee & Asylum: present world perspective
the idea came from the fact that when a person or group of people try to adopt themselves in a country or culture due to change in circumstances. We need to look at India to understand the idea from a close and non violent perspective. In 1945 when India was subdivided into some different nations based on their religious beliefs, greater India become Hindu country with some Muslim and Christian populations in some parts, Pakistan become Muslim country with some Hindu and Christian population in some parts. Some people were forced to cross the border leaving their usual place of residence. All subcultures ( aborigines) were in same limbo for decades to justify where they belong. Still now in that subcontinent governments exchanging people who claim to live in their usual place of residence. In that subcontinent it is a myth, “people from all religions and cultures used to live together for thousands of years without any conflict”, before the time of British colony and consequences of independent nations. Now, this is true that British emperor relied on advice of an Arial-photographer to determine how to cut through the Indian map and leave them in independent states to create all these problems.
If we believe in power of people in a mature democratic political environment, it is always a personal choice of a person or group of people to determine where they belong or what should be their usual place of residence until and unless it is not conflicting with the sovereignty of a state.
In a violent or nonviolent context of war people might become homeless with no destination of their life and living. People might seek asylum to a country in a context of economic imbalance and critical crisis in whole world. Question of legal system in a receiving country only can arise when the person or group is totally stranger to the receiving country.
Young marx